
Patient Feedback/Reviews

Matt Larson was recommended when I called the University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute’s helpline looking for a therapist and fortunately he was a provider on my insurance plan. Call it fate, divine guidance, karma I’m grateful Matt came into my life. Contacting him for an appointment he rearranged his schedule to work with me. I felt comfortable meeting him, relieved someone genuinely cared about me, and believed his offer to help me work through my issues. Luckily, he’d gained my trust early and I had a therapist I could call in crisis the weekend my spouse died suddenly. He encouraged me to allow him to provide support as I worked through the difficult grieving process urging me to take my time so that I could heal. Matt’s years of experience, his engaging communication style, assurance, and commitment enabled me to develop insights and understanding to the issues for which I originally sought out therapy. He made an analogy seeing a psychotherapist was like going to a personal trainer only this time I’d be building emotional muscle. I’m on the other side now and happy being me. Matt’s more than my therapist, I’m pleased I can call him my friend. LM

I was living a normal happy life but was burdened at times by an undercurrent of intense emotion and hopelessness from some of my life experiences and challenges. I had read numerous self-help and therapy books throughout the years. While they were helpful on the surface I wasn't able to connect with my authentic self like I wanted. I was also unable to find complete healing until I came across Matt Larson’s name. I was drawn to Matt and his style of therapy. He has a tender way of easing the anxieties that arise from seeking therapy and that surface during therapy. I was so impressed by his memory and that he didn't hide behind a notepad, pen or desk. He engages, listens and listens some more. He walked with me through my fears and loneliness. He tailored his therapy for personal healing, growth and a discovery of my true self. By trusting Matt and the therapy process my relationships were strengthened and deepened, especially with my husband and children. Matt very subtlety and gently worked me through issues, pulling back the layers a little at a time for a lifelong healing. This healing has resulted in calmness to my core. I have referred many friends and family to Matt because of the transformation that they have witnessed in my life. He is capable of persevering through any trauma or issue with confidence and will do all that he can to help his clients. Matt has developed such a deep trust that if at any moment in my life I needed help I know that I could call him. SAL

Therapy with Matt Larson has taught me to learn to trust in myself and has given me the strength and confidence to know I am worth taking care of. Therapy has worked for me. It has given me opportunities to think about and discuss my feelings without having to worry about who it is impacting me or how I might be judged. It's great to know Matt is there ready to listen and help me explore anything I want to explore. WC

Matt has been my counselor for the past 3 years. I can’t say enough about how much he has helped me. It hasn’t always been easy; it isn’t a quick fix, but it does work. I’ve told everyone I know Matt is a “Jedi” counselor. It’s not just about talent though. Matt is the kind of counselor who is willing to go beyond; he’s there for you when you need him. That’s a big deal. Because I think in counseling a part of it is knowing how to help someone. Another part is more human, and I’ve always felt that Matt wasn’t just there for me because it was a job, but because he really cares.

Scott Laidlaw

When I first met Matt he made me so Mad!!!! But when we started talking he got so under my skin that I had to talk to him about the real issues. It was really hard but I know in my heart that he has made a tremendous difference in my life. He is an infuriating but amazing therapist. He is well worth it.
Amber Walker Richardson (14)

Why people should come to see Matt:
1) Very empathetic and non judgemental
2) Personable, neutral but non-threatening
3) Very knowledgable
4) Matt manages to be your friend without overstepping the bounds of counselor relationship.

He helps you to not be black and white and helps you talk about things. He helps you realize your anger is ok; but helps you better deal with your anger. He helps you learn about yourself. he doesn't wear his profession on his sleeve. He is a down to earth guy. he has related well to us.
Scott & Stephanie Richardson

Although I was not eager to seek "therapy" in the beginning, I knew I was not being the person I wanted to be. I wanted to change but I almost couldn't define what was wrong. In just a couple of sessions Matt was able to learn about me and my life enough to help me see for myself what I needed to learn. I was impressed by his easy demeanor and his insights, but even more by his ability to guide me to make connections on my own and equip me with better coping skills, almost without me realizing it. I think Matt could help anyone become the best / healthiest / happiest version of themselves. I truly wish that I had been brave enough to take the first step and call Matt so much sooner.

Thanks A.O.

The reason I see Matt is he makes me feel comfortable. He recognizes the reasons for you needing to talk your way through situations and helps you pinpoint what needs to be worked on. He is willing to see you whenever it's possible. Randi K.

Two years may seem like a long time to see a therapist, but I have learned that working through

major life changes such as financial devastation and divorce, all of which were pushed to the

limit, takes time. When I started seeing Matt, I was in a hopeless state. The only way to even

start to cope with such issues is through a real support system and an excellent therapist. Matt

has helped me through extremely difficult issues and, truly has saved my life. The “healing

process” can be slow, but it is real and it does work. With Matt’s help I have become a much

stronger individual, can cope much better with major life changes and have regained the person

I once was. Matt devotes his undivided time and attention to listening and guiding you through

issues. Most of all, Matt truly cares!


Matt helped me get through a difficult time in my life. It had become like a living nightmare, and after working with him, I got back to loving life. I did not know how therapy would work and at times I struggled with it, but I am glad that I went and kept going until I could get through what was keeping me in darkness. Thank you, Matt, for the good work you do, and that you are there to help me and others as we go through turbulent times.

I would recommend Matt to anyone who's in need of help because he comes to you with open hands and takes you down a path of life that can show you more than a vision could even see! When the road becomes blind and scary, he's the guy that you could call on to help you find your way.
Erasmo Martinez

Matt helped me to dig myself out of a hole that i felt myself constantly sinking in. He helped me control my negative emotions and figure out what it was that made me feel negative and control it. I owe a lot to Matt Larson and appreciate everything he has done for me. N.E.

We first met Matt Larson back in 2014, when he was recommended to us by our son’s psychiatrist. My son has high functioning/mild autism and has been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Since our first meeting with Matt, he has been helping not only my son but both me and my husband. Each one of us have unique needs and personalities. Matt has the ability to connect to each of us. He is very quick in recognizing what someone would connect with and he uses that ability to establish a good rapport with you. He has been able to connect with my autistic son and give him guidance as my son tries to navigate through life as an adult. The trust that Matt has achieved with my son has been short of miraculous. Trust is not something my son gives out freely, but it is there with Matt. He respects Matt’s opinion and I think to some extent tries to get his approval. In other words, I think my son cares if Matt approves of him or not. Raising a child with the mental and social challenges that I face is not easy. My husband was experiencing a great deal of anxiety and guilt not understanding what our son needs and how to parent him the most effective and loving way. Just a few times meeting with Matt, my husband was able to get past some of his guilt and conflicting emotions about our son and has been able to look at our son with a more objective eye. You can’t love autism away. For me, Matt has been life changing. I mean that with all sincerity. I was a broken defeated woman. Raising someone like my son is very difficult. I had devalued myself and my instincts. I questioned every decision that I would make. I withdrew into a shell and stopped living, I just existed. Matt has helped me by helping me understand what I needed to do to continue parenting my adult autistic son. His insight and knowledge is invaluable. Being able to have the level of support and knowledge that I receive from Matt has helped keep my son in our home and functioning in society. He also reinforced my instincts. Encouraging myeto trust them an building me up to where I would trust myself again. I started to realize that I do in fact have value and that I am of worth. I am so grateful to have a resource that Matt has become in my life and my family’s lives. His ability to connect with a person individually along with his experience and knowledge is why I highly recommend him for anyone needing or seeking a therapist.

Sincerely; and confidential.


"I felt compelled to find my own therapist when my wife and I separated after 20 years. I found Matt when I performed a search on my health insurance website. Trust was built quickly and he made me feel that I had someone I could reach out to for support at any time. Matt taught me the important skills of identifying my emotions and learning to express them in a healthy way. This required more practice and coaching than I anticipated, but has proven to be one of the most significant factors in improving my relationship with my wife. Matt always made me feel validated, but he corrected my thinking when it was called for. The year I spent with Matt helped me become well-rounded emotionally and taught me how to process feelings of hopelessness and anger. I am convinced that I would be divorced if Matt had not helped me learn these subtle, yet life-changing skills."

Matt is very empathic and willing to help you through your issues at your own pace. He has a great, kind and professional demeanor and i wouuld recommend him to anyone!



I would recommend matt larson because i was going through some tough situations in my life. I came in thinking that none of this would help and it was just crazy to me. But once I gave it a chance and started believing in myself and that somebody is willing to listen to my problems and help me through it, all the problems faded away. I now realize that emotions are good to have in a healthy lifestyle and matt larson helped me to realize that by being a friend. So to him I say thank you.

Weston White

As myself, a healthcare professional, I never thought I would be in need of mental health help. I always thought I was above it and somehow immune. When i received my mental health diagnosis I was devastated I thought it meant I would never be able to return to my profession. I thought it meant I would always be broken or somehow less of a person. Having a guide to walk you through the path on mental health spectrum was the most valuable tool I found (along with SSRI’s) The work I did with Matt Larson helped me find myself, become mentally strong, and able to deal with the unsteadiness of my mental health disorder. I returned to my profession a better more understanding person then when I started my career. I am forever thankful for his talent and professional aptitude.

-K. Brooke Fisher R

I was having a hard time dealing with my husbands addiction to pornography and his ridged personality. My marriage was failing. I knew I needed help sorting out my feelings. I was hesitant when I first decided to seek help. Matt helped me find my voice and understand myself. Matt listened and gave me good advice. I am now a much more confident person. I love the new me that Matt helped me discover. I would highly recommend him. M.S. 11-10-2016


This is why I wouuld recommend Matt. he really connected with me and getting me to open up and communicate about mmy feelings. In doing so it has really helped me deal with my anxiety and depression. Thanks Matt, you are the best! D.B.


I was having a hard time dealing with my husbands addiction to pornography and his ridged personality. My marriage was failing. I knew I needed help sorting out my feelings. I was hesitant when I first decided to seek help. Matt helped me find my voice and understand myself. Matt listened and gave me good advice. I am now a much more confident person. I love the new me that Matt helped me discover. I would highly recommend him. MS


I would recommendd Matt to anyone who wants someone to really listen to them. Matt always was attentive to what I was feeling and really cared about me. I didn't feel like i wouThld feel comfortable opening up to someone so quickly but with Matt it was easy. So if you need someone to trust, Matt is your guy....Thank You Matt


February 2017

Matt was referred to me and after an initial phone call, and noticing I was in crisis, quickly made time to see me. Moving to Utah and starting a new life had taken a toll on me. That coupled with relationship problems had taken me to a dark place where I felt there was no return and that I was not worthy of anything better. I spent many years discussing these issues and with his kind words, intent listening and providing me tools to cope with my issues I realized my life did not have to be so difficult, nor did I have to internalize as much as I had. He was there for me when the relationship ended and helped me realize that it was for the best, and that my life was so much more than just that situation. I continued to see Matt for almost two years after that. Just talking through regular, work, and daily issues he gave me more tools to live a happier, healthier life and to regard myself as the worthy person I was, the person we all are. Had my life not changed and taken me to a new state and city I would still be making appointments and enjoying time with Matt. He cares deeply for those he helps and became the friend I could, and would, always turn to. I thank Matt for my happy life every day and could not be more proud to have him in my corner. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I were to contact him right now with an issue, even as far away as I am now, he would make time to help me and support me. DA


Matt is the best therapist I have seen so far. He is very respectful and helpful. He lets you talk about anything and everything you need with excellent listening skills. After not so great experiences with previous therapists, he turned my opinion around. I would recommend him to anyone who asks me. NW


I have been seeing Matt for 2 years-weekly appointments. The progress I have seen and the skills i have gained have changed my life for the better. He is very compassionate-he takes the time to process before responding, showing he genuinely care. I have had to text him before and during a crisis and he repsonds right back.

He is easy to talk to, non-judgemental and his experience shines through during sessions.

He has been a solid asset to my tools to bettering myself. Talking to Matt has been a highlight of my week for a while because I feel clarity and lighter after our sessions.

His appointment availability is gr-he works at two locations and works morning to evening.

I would recommend Matt to anyone looking for change-it starts within and Matt can help light that fire. He is a warm character and easy to talk to!


August 2017

This is why I would recommend you to go see Matt. He always reminds you of your appointment the day before which always made me feel like he was thinking of me. he always checked up me Making sure I was doing ok and wanted me to tell him my feelings. Even though he has many clients, he always remembered everything we talked about. Remembered names, dates, events, etc. Made me feel like he really listened and paid attention to what I was saying. I'm going to miss talking to him, but he keeps relationships and keeps up on ya...



You really get to know your patients so you can put things in ways they understand. For me, being an athlete, when we'd be going on a session and you stopped me when I was going, it actually angered me, but then you compared it to working out. You can't just go, go, go. You have to pace yourself and give yourself time to rest to get the best results. That was when my turn around started. You understand that some sessions we would just talk about things going on in the world. That would take my mind off stuff. And your book analogy for relationships made sense for me too. That chapter is over, put in on a shelf. It's there, it was good, but time to move on. Then the last time I really broke down when I thought I was doing well, explaining that i was getting the last of it out. After that session everything got better and better. Even with moving out of state I wouldn't hesitate to call to have a phone session.



Matt: I wanted you to see this. It's a copy of what i posted to social media about you.

"Six looking years ago, I had the surgery that knocked my feet out from under me in every way possible.

It took me a month to recover physically. It took a good 2+ years (and a forfeited $400 deposit) to get over the fact that my body wasn't physically well enough to go to Bali and Africa for 3 months.

The combination threw me into the deepest, darkest, most difficult depression of my life. Which happens to really say something as I have had chronic depression since my 20's and have had 3 other major, acute depressive episodes before. It triggered so much anxiety that I was almost non-functional in most aspects of my life. It took until 3 years ago before I was able to manage half the shit that I needed to.

I had had suicidal experiences before but NOTHING compared to this last time. I truly did not see how I was going to get out. EVERYTHING took too much effort and exhausted me. Even just getting out of bed, let alone brushing my teeth drained me. And EVERYTHING was painful: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Even the good stuff! Actually, sometimes especially the good stuff. Even tiny good things like a flower, a travel photo, or an old beloved song actually made things worse. Mostly because they were excruciating reminders of how far away I was from experiencing joy from even those little things.

My children watched me suffer and they suffered themselves because that's what depression does to families. My siblings and parents also to an extent. And close friends who knew and wanted to help but couldn't do much other than listening and standing beside me emotionally.

The ONLY thing that kept me (barely) alive was the thought of my kids being without a momma. Although, even that lost most of its sway when I could see what my state was doing to them.

I owe my life to my therapist, quite literally. It took long years but he became the kind, patient, non-judgemental voice in my head who kept me here. He has endured with me through endless sessions of anguish, repetition, emotional breakthroughs and breakdowns. And now through rediscovered joy and the ability to live and love.

With him, I have gained emotional skills I never imagined I would. The deep, dark, sucking void was just too great, and the life I had lived until a few years ago was based on sheer willpower to push through. When the willpower gave out along with everything else in me, there was literally nothing left to rely on. It has taken way too long to gain skills I should have gained as a child and didn't. The shame of not being able to take care of myself -- or to heal within a reasonable time (whatever that means) -- took most of the time and effort expended for all those therapy sessions.

I still see him at least monthly to keep me aligned and not withdrawn into myself completely. It's still a struggle many days to reach out, to him or others, let alone expend energy outside of taking care of me.

But I have come soooo far and I am proud as fuck about it. In the last year alone, I've tackled more life things than I did in the entire 5 years before that. They were all rather large-ticket items that sometimes kicked my emotional butt...but I did it. And I didn't wipe myself out doing so because I had help, because I stopped pushing through when my body told me to, and because I rested until I was ready again to move forward. Life in the U.S. doesn't generally teach that lesson. In fact, quite the opposite. I don't even miss the old, Type A me anymore because she was so unhealthy. I miss the results sometimes, but I've learned to accept a different standard as more than enough.

I am a drastically different person today than I was those 6 years ago when I dreamed of Africa and of learning photography well enough to go pro. Neither of those things happened. And I am so okay with that because I still ended up where I wanted to be: true to myself, finding a way to live that wasn't excruciating every day, and being on a life-long path of increasing freedom in all its forms.

As most of you know, I recently changed my name. The new name reflects this drastic change and, despite how odd it still feels sometimes for myself and others, it seems appropriate that this aspect also means getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. After all, that has been one of the biggest lessons learned and gained skill sets. That and about a million other lessons. 

If you've stayed with this word vomiting this far, you are most likely one of my people and I Thank You for staying with me on this journey, even though for many years it was probably from afar while I caved in on myself and learned how to crawl again.

I don't think will ever be over this last trip down the rabbit hole. But then, that's kind of the point of rabbit holes, isn't it? We change while we're down there and we're never again the same. And that is sooooo okay."



I recommend Matt Larson as a therapist. He has helped me in so many ways. When I first came to him I was suffering with severe anxiety and depression. I was unable to cope with family problems and would just keep the hurt inside of me. I know I was unpleasant to be around. I would imagine worst case scenarios and let them rule my life. Matt taught me how to increase my self esteem and face my problems straight on. It was scary at first, but I took counsel from our sessions and applied his suggestions. Now I am down 30 lbs. and no longer afraid to speak out and defend myself. I have also mastered the art of letting things go that I have no control over. Matt Listening ear and a caring heart made all the difference.



I highly recommend Psychotherapy with Matt Larson. he helped me get to the root of what was cuasing my anxiety and depression as we examined my feelings and thoughts. he effectively probed the depths of my anxiety and depression and helped me come out on top.




I was a total mess when I asked you for help. My marriage was at an end. My life was spinning out of control. I was burning bridges and sabotaging close and important relationships.

You patiently listened to me and pointed to the reasons why I was making so many mistakes in my life. You gave me the

necessary tools to correct those mistakes. These were simple to understand and implemented easily into daily living.

Matt, you also guided me to my true feelings, taking the time to live in them and feel them - processing them correctly.

I cannot say where I would be right now if I had not asked for your help. Thank you Matt for your patience. Never judging, Always guiding. I owe you the deepest debt of gratitude.

Fred D.

August 27, 2018

"Matt was great with helping me to understand my feelings and more importantly, accept my feelings. It was oOK to feel the way i did and to stop beating myself up for it. Feelings- band and good- are normal for humans. How I manage those feelings was my real learning". GG


(two years in therapy with Matt)

Coming to see Matt was one of the best choices I have ever made. The person I have become is all thanks to the work he helped me through. He was my biggest supporter and helped me dig deep and work through all the painful things I had one through and essentially get over them and become the strong person am. Now my lie is forever changed because I came to see him. I will always be glad I made the choice to do therapy with Matt. I would recommend him to anyone needing to heal their past. He will help you succeed. Thank you Matt for everything. I'm eternally grateful for you.


March 2019

I first came in a crisis. First time seeing a therapist and didn't know what to expect. After some frustration trying to find the office I was created with a very calming voice and atmosphere. I felt welcomed and I was on the right track. AH

March 2019

For several years I had been working for a company that really tested me emotionally and mentally. Everyday I felt like IL was going to war and wouldn't survive until I found Matt. Matt truly became a friend who I could count on to listen to my frustrations, feelings and sadness. He helped steer me away from depression and to process my feelings in a healthy manner. From the first day he helped me grow in understanding my feelings and my emotional intelligence. I would not have survived without him. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a better understanding of their emotions and to anyone in need of help in dark times. KB

May 2019

I have had the opportunity to work with Matt on two separate occasions totaling about two years work of treatment. I can honestly say that he has been a major contributor to my improved mental health. He has helped me develop skills and techniques that allow me to not only cope but work through and overcome past issues. Matt has done all this without being judgemental and always showed unwaivering compassion.

I would recommend Matt to anyone who is struggling with mental health that would like to be in a happier and safer frame of mind.

Much Happier Patient!

May 2019

Dr. Matt Larson has been a great help. After reaching a roadblock of depression, he has been a great listening ear, offering suggestions and working on goals. Grateful for him helping me work through hard times and regain parts of my life I've been missing


Matt was such a great therapist. My husband and i saw him as a couple for about 6 months and I met with him personally for another 6. He was very patient and knowledgeable during the process and I always felt safe and welcome. He is a great counselor and I have recommended him to several people.

Female Client

Nov 2019

Matt is kind, patient, non-judging. He is a teacher of emotion and self compassion. He lets me talk about whatever I need to or just sit and cry. I trust him and recommend him.


Oct. 2019

Dr. Larson has been a great resource to help me figure out everything going in my mind. Being able to sort out Stressors and feelings and feel in control again.


January 25, 2020

Matt has helped me deal with the passing of my father. He listens and is able to help you focus on your feelings and where you need to focus. His help has not only made each day easier to cope, but has given me the confidence to continue to focus on my mental health and become a stronger person. Thank You, Matt, for all that you do!




I had spent the previous year-and-a-half with another therapist, working through general anxiety issues. While some progress had been made, I didn't feel the connection or the progress I was hoping for on specific issues. I came across Matt's practice, visited his website, and decided to book an appointment. Within two to three sessions, I could tell that we were going to make the progress I was looking for. Matt is patient, exploratory, comforting but firm, and empathetic to your situation. He allows you and encourages you to feel the emotions you need to to fully resolve past difficulties. One of the things I appreciated most about Matt was how easy he was to communicate with. He answers texts, calls, emails, has an accommodating schedule, and always makes time for you. I know that it was through practices and visits with Matt that I was able to progress through some of my most difficult challenges. Thank you.

Tyler C.


I would recommend people come see Matt because he is encouraging, thoughtful and open-minded. He helped me validate, accept and overcome some very difficult feelings after a breakup so I could finally move on. He has also gone above and beyond in giving career advice, going so far as to find a relevant job lead in my field. thanks! Matt!



I recommend Matt Larson as a therapist because he is professional, caring, understanding, shows great empathy and is very effective at what he does.



Matt helped get me through a difficult time in my life where I was stuck in my negative thoughts, among other things. He really helped me understand my thoughts and communication patterns, then gave me some useful tools to work through it. I am very grateful to know him and I can honestly say he's made a big impact in my life and well being.



I would recommend Matt Larson for anyone feeling overwhelmed or dealing with anxiety. I found myself in an overwhelming situation with near paralyzing anxiety. Matt has helped me to identify and process my emotions and to take action to change my siuation for the better and to regain my sense of self. Matt is a good listener, he is supportive, has practical advice and has helped me to take action to change my situation and get my life back in control. Thanks Matt!



I started working with Matt to help address my anxiety and stress associated with work and general life pressures.  In working with Matt- mostly me talking and Matt Listening and then adding a surgically precise comment from time to time.  I have developed a greater awareness of the sources, external and internal of my anxiety.  I've developed tools for coping with these feelings and I now have a game plan to better manage the stresses that inevitably come.  I'im grateful to Matt's guidance throughout this process and for his warmth and friendship.  I would definitely recommend Matt to anyone who feels stuck like I did, or who just needs someone to talk to without feeling embarrassed or judged.



Matt is someone who truly cares, and it absolutely shows when you have the pleasure of working with him. He challenges you to look deep within yourself to find answers that will greatly benefit your self-awareness and overall frame of mind. 



Matt was great to work with. My wife and I went through a large trauma which caused PTSD and other emotions. I had never been through anything like this in my life and I didn't know how to process what was going on. Communication broke down between my wife and I. Matt helped me know how to process what was being said, stand up for myself, set boundaries, and guide me in this rough time. My relationship with my wife has improved significantly and only continues to get better. I would highly recommend Matt.


May 1, 2023

It was a safe place to land when I had sessions with him. I felt comfortable being myself and sharing my past. Having come from a Mormon upbringing, and coming out Gay. He made me feel normal and strong enough to battle the Utah culture that shamed me for being different. He was my mentor and my friend. I was suicidal, and he made me feel loved. In a way, he saved me and I am extremely grateful for our sessions. 


January 2024

If you are someone looking into therapy, I would highly recommend Matt! I personally wasn’t very experienced with therapy prior to going and seeing Matt. However shy I was at first, Matt made me feel extremely comfortable, not pushing me, but really trying to figure out how I was feeling, listening to every detail. Matt is a very relatable person who truly cares for his patients. I would highly recommend him!   

Male Client

July 2024

After a few sessions with Matt, I \noticed I had less anxiety.  He also helped me understand my anger issues and how to control my emotions.  I highly recommend his services.  Thanks again Matt!

Male Patient

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